Assortment of street food sold in New Delhi, India. Photo by Joseph Bautista.
Assortment of street food sold in New Delhi, India.

Vendors in their stalls selling different varieties of Indian street delicacies in New Delhi. (Photo by Joseph Bautista)
Vendors in their stalls selling different varieties of Indian street delicacies in New Delhi.

Vendors in their stalls selling different varieties of Indian street delicacies in New Delhi. Photo by Joseph Bautista.
Vendors in their stalls selling different varieties of Indian street delicacies in New Delhi.

Deep fried Indian bread. New Delhi, India. Photo by Joseph Bautista.
Deep fried Indian bread. New Delhi, India.

An assortment of Indian delights and the scale used to weigh them. New Delhi, India.
An assortment of Indian delights and the scale used to weigh them. New Delhi, India.

A man deep fries local Indian bread. New Delhi, India. Photo by Joseph Bautista.
A man deep fries local Indian bread. New Delhi, India.

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